Arianna Edmondson

Height: 5’4”
Voice: Soprano – Alto


Anon(ymous) | Ritu/Serza/Sewing Lady#1 | Studio Theater, dir. Lou Moreno
Randi and Roxanne (staged reading) | Brenna/Kristy | Finely Hall, dir. Ran Xia
The Ultimate Kahoots* | @idontgetwomen2020 | Montclair State University, dir. Lou Moreno
Daughters of the Rebellion** | Ester | L. Howard Fox Theater, dir. Melissa Crespo

*J. Julian Christopher World Premiere
**Guadalís Del Carmen World Premiere


Montclair State University BFA Acting
Acting: Tommy Schrider, Heather Benton, Debbie Saivetz
Shakespeare: Tommy Schrider
Voice and Speech: Rebecca Landis McLarty, Sarah Koestner
Movement:Heather Benton, Suzuki: Erin Gorski
Camden County Technical School (Performing Arts Academy)
Acting: Terry Bles
Singing: Jessica Thomas
Mainstage Center of the Arts
Singing: Vicki Gollihue


Camden County Technical School Performing Arts Award 2018

Special Skills

stage management, a-cappella music arranging, basic soundboard operation, cartwheel, rollerblading, can ride a bicycle, basic knitting and crochet, NJ Drivers License
